
1 Feb 2019 by Blake George

I just wanted to reach out and say a big thank you to everyone for attending last nights meeting.

I know that change is not often met with excitement but I honestly would not be asking you to go through this process if it wasn’t for the better of your son and family.

The club sent out an email and this is what we were expecting. We have spoken to Cal South and we will be at our National Cup games. When in the planning of this process this is something that we planned for.

Like I said yesterday, I couldn’t honestly stand in front of all of you, at South Bay Tennis center, and say that your fees were going up $400 and you would get nothing in return. Along with many other factors, such as uniforms, I honesty feel this is a great opportunity for us to grow as a team and continue to push on and improve.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach to me as always.

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